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Sunday 3 August 2014

Know Why Interviewer Ask These Questions

Ok, tell me something about yourself,’ says interviewer and you are like, ‘Ohh God! Why? Why can he just not look into my resume and find out himself?’ and then you give an unprepared, vague answer, which simply doesn’t impress him.
Has this situation or anything similar happened with you? Have you ever felt why did the interviewer ask this question? Yes, it’s true that the simplest questions are the trickiest ones, which may easily land you into trouble. And to get out of the trouble, one easy way is to STAY INFORMED & PREPARED!
To answer these fiddly questions perfectly, you need to know 3 things, which are: purpose behind asking, what’s the trick behind it, and what response does interviewer want! Here are some such simplest questions, discussed upon these three aspects.
Q: Tell me one word that describes you the best.
Purpose: To know your personality, check your confidence level when it comes to self-awareness, and whether you are fit for the job role.
Trick: Multi personality being a common trait of many people, has made the interviewer come up with tricky questions to identify the real personality amidst the lot. With this one word, interviewer tries to reveal the real you.
Expected Response: Be true and be self-informed! Know what is that one thing that over rules your persona, and think whether it goes well with the job profile you are looking for. Be you say you are creative, and then applying for banking job, it won’t really help you. So, find one best thing in you that fits to your job profile.
Q: What is your biggest strength & weakness?
StrengthWeakness thumb3 300x150 Why Did Interviewer Ask This Question?  Part 1
Purpose: Every work has different requirement & every workplace has different culture. To ensure your adaptability level, interviewers ask this question.
Trick: Revealing both your strengths & weakness can land you into trouble. Your strengths might not go with what the job demands and on the other hand your weakness would reveal where you are not good at, which might go against you. In short, be extra prepared for this question.
Expected Response:  Be smart with answering this question. Tell your strengths in a way that can overcome your weakness. Or when telling your weakness mention the positive points that you have taken to overcome your bad points.
Q: One reason for why your co-workers might not like you.
Purpose: To know if there is any obtrusive personality issue with you. They want to know what according to you can be the worst situation while working with you.
Trick: One answer that generally people give is ‘I cannot think of that situation that anyone wouldn’t like working with me.’ But with this, you can sound rude and insult the question of the interviewer. So, you again have to get hold of this trick and give a smart & sensible answer.
Expected Response: Surely, you do not have to start counting your negative points here. Instead, tell them that you have mostly experienced a positive response while working with people in the past. You can tell about one moment when you temporarily had a problem with your team for when you suggested a new idea and it demanded extra efforts from the team to execute it. Or something similar.


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